Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Flowers will grow

It's amazing how something as small as fresh flowers in your home can be a Really big deal! It's started two weeks ago when I bought a bundle of purple carnations and then gingerly placed them  around the house. Instant medicine. 


Carnations have a very special meaning to me. Every ballet performance growing up my Mom and Dad would buy me a single carnation with an added sprig of babies breathe. At first I really wanted roses (because all the other girls got roses, oh, the years of youth and insecurities) But then I realized I loved being the only one to have carnations. It made me unique. It made me proud. I always loved seeing my single carnation on my dresser in its little vase (pronounced, vaaaassss). Therefore my favorite flower is and always will be the carnation. 

I picked these beauties up on the same day I came down with a 6 day wretched cold flu. I think I was prompted to do so. 

I love my beautiful Tribe

The end.

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