Friday, October 31, 2014

We will always be us...

Halloween is here. HonestlyI am ready for all this Halloween stuff to be done. I know weird right? Don't get me wrong I LOVE Halloween, but Halloween in Texas hasn't  felt the same. It's still super warm and the leaves are still green. Gah! Is it to much to ask for a little leaf color change for the big day? Apparently. Not to worry! We have still made the most of it by over decorating every corner of the house (I know, I always overdue, what can ya due? Rhyme-er) and a happy disposition as we always do and always will do. 

We were adventurous this year. A couple weekends ago we drove out to a place called 'Kadee Farms'. It was perfect. In fact, I have always DREAMED of places like this and then slowly realize that I live in an alternate reality of hoping for things that we can't find t maybe don't even exist. But they do! We found it. We found Kadee Farms. 

Full of good feelings.

Yep, this is where the Roberts Tribe will get off please! 

There you have it.
 I kept looking at Jack while the Tribe scurried around and say "
Can you believe this place? This is the most perfect place" and he completely agreed. It's been our favorite outing with our kids so far...sheesh! We don't get out much I guess, because that's a pretty high stamp of approval. Well WHAM consider it Stamped!



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