Monday, October 21, 2013

Crazy 8

Today Jack and I will celebrate our 8 yr. anniversary. Just last night we were discussing the topic of our journey together and how every year we celebrate together it always seems we have been married soooo much longer, in a good way!

It's funny how every year we think the coming year can't be nearly as busy or crazy,  and without fail we are always surprised. So, yes, 2013 has given us every opportunity to grow, change, and seize the day! Carpe diem!

We have discussed the last 8 years and of course we wouldn't change a moment. Sure it's been crazy and every year we celebrate our anniversary in  a different place. But one thing has remained. Us.

Jack Elliott Roberts,

As mooshy as I might get right now (and you know how mooshy I can get) its been 9 years since we met on that crazy Sunday night after a church fireside, you chose me and I you. A year later we sealed the deal, forever. I cannot be more amazed at how the years have made you into an even more incredible man. Your example to me and everyone around you amazes me. Your natural ability as a father to our four beautiful children warms me to my very soul. I cannot wait for our boys to grow to be just like you.

The way you have taken care of me over the years is how I wish every girl could be taken care of. You mean everything to me and I know I mean everything to you. Everyday by your side is the day I love the most. I love you more than words can say.

Love, wifey

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