Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And he is 29

Today is Jack's 29th Birthday. Wait for it, here comes the cheesey part where I gloat. To say I am incredibly proud of Jack and what he has accomplished in our 7 years of marriage would be a great understatement. He amazes me in every capacity of the word. I am so glad that he bumped into me 7 years ago and started a conversation by complimenting my braces. sweet.

I thought for his 29th Birthday it would only be fitting for me to list 29 of his favorite things:

1. sniffing. He loves to smell candles or anything that smells good, food, perfume ect.
2. Food. The guy can eat.
3. Excercise, kinda a finatic at times
4. Reading, church books or anything true story
5. Going to the Temple
6. Making funny faces at inapropriate times
7. cracking jokes...
8. Being with family
9. watching a good movie
10. Staying up late
11. writing, Masters remember? Great writer
12. Holidays, loves Christmas
13. Taking long drives
14. Being a leader
15. Going on dates
16. Wrestling with Harry and Everett
17. Jane. enough said
18. Hanging out with friends
19. Chips.
20. Shoes
21. Hanging out with his brothers
22. Halloween
23. Buying the boys super hero gear/toys/posters.
24. Me, duh
25. Throwing the football with his brothers or his nephews
26. Making me Laugh
27. Making the kids laugh
28. Planning our future, home, career, kids
29. One of his role models is....Batman haha.

Today for Jack's Birthday we went up to Park City kid-less and hung out all day. Jack went on the zip line which took 1 hour to go up and about 40 seconds to come down, awesome. But still fun for Jack

Thanks Jack for being YOU. I am so lucky! Happy Birthday!

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