Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Boston Bangs

Last week Jack was in Boston for work. So not to fall into a "woe is me where is my husband" depression. I set up a much needed hair appointment. Because when you are a mother of four, a hair cut is a very big deal! I mean the whole week before a hair appointment is exciting. Almost Christmas exciting, maybe more because as I said before I am a mother of four. That changes you. Now Back to the hair. The anticipation, It becomes a giant count down of "in six days I am going to feel better" or "in three days I am going to look way less hammered" (I realize this is crazy and I also realize that my hairdresser is not a magician) But some time away to get beautified? Yes, it's super special. 

So I did. I got my hair done. My sweet friend took Jane and Kate for the afternoon. It was wonderful. 

That night I called Jack at his hotel and the conversation was "hi, honey kids are good blah blah blah" ( lots of 'blah blah' from me, bless Jack and his tolerant 'blah blah' ears) "oh and I got my hair done today....and I didn't cut it shorter...and I just went the same blonde....crickets...A-N-D I may or may not have cut some bangs." -side note bangs are Jacks least favorite hair style. But you know you have married a pretty incredible man when he says "you make everything look so cute. I'm sure I will love them. Send me a picture"

So I did saying-
 "So here you go. I know you don't like bangs. But I know that you REALLY love me. Maybe we can strike a middle ground? Love you"
 Husbands response (which was immediate, good move Jack, good move) "They're adorable! You look beautiful :)" 

Then I had him reassure me about a hundred times, which also included me putting a million different words in his mouth. Oh that man. Such an amazing man. Love that man. Such a great man. Are you tired if my man talk yet? 


1 comment:

OUR Coop said...

I actually love them. He is right you are beautiful no matter what you do. ❤️