Thursday, April 4, 2013

He's kinda a big deal

Monday was Harry's 4th Birthday! Harry is the neatest kid, he is wrapped around my heart (big time momma's boy) and I am wrapped around his. He is the funniest kid, his humor almost always involves potty talk, awesome. I found myself a little while ago saying "Harry, there are other words you can say to be funny"
 Harry replied with "like what?" 
......Crickets....I got nothing....

We started the day off with Breakfast in Bed
Everett got Harry's breakfast ready (Harry picked cereal, its a rarity in this house). 
Everett gave us all strict instructions to call Harry "Birthday Boy" all day.

"Birthday Boy"

 Later that night we celebrated with my family and Jacks with Ice Cream Sundays! Another great part of Harry having his birthday on April Fools day is he gets to celebrate it with my Dad, they are the cutest pair together.
Happy Birthday Harry! I love you bigger than the sky

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