Thursday, February 28, 2013


This week has been full of waiting... All day Monday I contracted, that night I packed my bag and told Jack we were having a baby tonight or tomorrow...It is now Thursday, with no baby. 

How have we passed the time you make ask? Slowly, very slowly. I am oddly calm at the moment, I have gotten to that point where I have waited almost 9 months what's a few more days right? Baby can't stay in my tummy forever. 

The below pictures are everyday of this week of waiting and waiting and waiting, oh and how about more waiting? 

Everett is pretty much the most amazing boy ever and keeps me fed with nutrtrious snacks
 So much love is in that little bowl of blueberries and glass of water

 Waiting...Thinking "why can't I color my hand red and be like Spiderman"?
 More waiting, but with a steady beat to a drum
 Waiting some more...
 Little lady may or may not have 'tooted' in this photo...gross...
 and waiting

 Harry waiting and testing out his photo skills

 TaDa! Still waiting

 Eager Bunny says: "Nine months? Your pathetic Elephants are pregnant for 2 years"
 Waiting and waiting
....We all might have an IPAD addiction..

 waiting and reading

As you can see we have been having sooo much fun just hanging around this week. The kids have gotten to the point where I think they think I will look like this forever and this whole "baby business" is a big hoax. 

....and we wait


Jodi said...

Good luck with everything!

Yaiya said...

You guys are awesome. You all make me smile. Let us know when the wait is over and baby Roberts has arrived. Love you guys....