Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jammies and waiting...

Sitting here 3 days away from my calendar due date, whatever that means. I feel great, I don't feel like I am going to have a baby kinda odd. But to pass some time today I decided to take a walk/waddle down memory lane with past about to pop photos.

Everett: a few days away from delivering. I have a thing about Jammies, matching Jammies. These beauties got me through Harry and Jane too... Until the crotch tore awesome R.I.P....Literally

Same Jammies, pregnant with Harry

Harry about 1 week from his C-section

3 days from delivering Jane

Again, with the Jammies. These are one of four pairs I have right now and these are my favorite. Jack picked them out, love me some comfy, yummy jammies.

So, we still wait. No worries, I have accepted it in this current hour, but I can't promise that I will feel this way later so many ups and downs for me right now. I just read a list of ways to naturally induce labor, one of my favorites was to "Gallop around like a horse"...That's all that gets me around at the moment :)

1 comment:

The Huffs said...

I do not envy you... but i totally envy you! Those last couple days feels like years!!! But so excited to have a brand new baby. Good luck! Would love to come visit you sometime after :)